How To Feed Dogs Vegetables

 Some dogs have only been eating meat as their main diet. If your dog belongs to this group, it is essential to introduce vegetables to him slowly. Add a small amount to his regular mean and observe how he will react. If there are signs of adverse reactions, discontinue your plan. Otherwise, continue to increase the number of vegetables in his diet. 

Dogs can eat some raw vegetables, such as green beans and celery. However, it will be best to cook a veggie before giving it to your dog for better digestion and nutrient absorption. Giving an unprepared vegetable to your dog might also risk him choking. 

When you serve the veggie to your dog, keep it free from any spices because they can damage its nutritional value. Aside from this, the added spice can also cause your dog harm, especially if it has a toxic element. 

It is a good idea to make treats for your dog made of vegetables during summer. Place some puréed vegetables in an ice-cube maker, then place it in the freezer. This will help your dog beat the heat during the hot summer. 

Overeating vegetables can harm your dog. Thus, it is essential to keep his vegetable intake moderate. It should only make up 10% of his calorie intake daily.

Your vet Washington DC is a valuable source of information about your pet's diet and nutritional needs.


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