Fear Or Anxiety Could Be Behind Your Cat’s Litter Box Problems
Is your cat showing some signs of litter problems? Do not make any conclusion yet because the reasons behind this condition are many and may vary on a case-to-case basis.
The risk factors for litter issues include the location or placement of the litter tray or box, its design or style, and the type of litter you decide to use. These factors are the common ones. But understand that other elements may cause litter problems, such as anxiety or fear.
When your cat is using her box or tray, she is considered in her vulnerable state. Thus, your cat may try to avoid disposing of her urine and feces when she feels threatened. When your cat does this, it may lead to litter issues.
Thus, you must strategically place your cat’s box or tray in an area where your cat feels secure, safe, and comfortable all at the same time. You may also accompany your feline outside (in your garden) for a short walk and allow her to eliminate herself in the vicinity.
A sudden change in your pet’s elimination habits should warrant an appointment with your veterinary health center Roswell, NM.
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